

What they say about us

Package :6D4N Beijing (6 Mac 2013)

Hai na, pak cik dah selamat balik. Semuanya okay gembira sangat-sangat. Terima Kasih atas segalanya. – Shadan

Package : Best Of London Paris 7D 6N

” Thank you very very… much for your helped and assistant which enable our journey running smoothly and enjoy. You done a very good jobs. Sent my warm regard to your boss Hj. Mansor. I am looking forward to your company assistant in future. May Allah bless you all. Tqvm and see you sometime. Wassalam ” – Hj. Ahmad bin Abdullah & Hjh Sabariah Bte Mohtar


Package : Krabi Honeymoon 4D3N & Bali Dolphin 4D3N

”  The best Muslim Travel Agency via Google . And yours have the best and the easiest site that I just can simply understand . Have all the details for the price the place and etc . And have more interesting place to go ” – Ms Rena Syafika

Package : Discover Beijing 6D 4N 

“Sangat lah puas hati dengan servis dia orang, agak bbaloi lah.harga time tu promosi.so dapat lah naik MAS..weeee.. MH360 6.40PM  1 MAR 2013.” – Siti Nur Bainun (Blog )

Package : Ho Chi Minh 4D 3N

“Haji kami baru sampai dengan selamat nya di KLIA jam 1.30pm tadi. Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Our tour Guide and transport pun confortable. Terima kasih dari our group of 4 orang. Kalau Tuan haji ada offer trip to Melbourne pls Whatsapp kami. My group give 5 Star.” – Hajjah Siti

Package : Discover Bejing 6D 4N

“Assalam. Thanks for making our family trip as a wonderful trip this year. You(Ms Aliya) are such a helpful person during the trip. Thank you for your kind hospitality and until we meet again for the next trip perhaps. You take care and regards to your family.” – Kak Ju


Package: London-Amsterdam-Brussels-Paris 9H 7M

Terima kasih banyak-banyak En Mansor, kami sangat berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan company En Mansor(Al Masyhur Travel) . Inshaallah, next trip pasti jumpa lagi – Puan Hasnah Sg Petani, Kedah.

Package : Perth 6D5N
Saya dan family ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kerana mengaturkan aktiviti menarik sepanjang kami di perth  tempoh hari. Form yang cik nik bagi kepada saya tempoh hari, saya akan bagi dalam masa terdekat – Dhiya Durani


 Package : Switzerland Paris London 13D12N

I believe in you to get a good and considerate ground arrangement for my family trip – Wan Zuraidah Wan Zain (She has requested Hong Kong  and Shenzhen Package for her family trip)

Package : Beijing 5D4N (Incentive Group)

Liyana, saya dan group sudah di Indonesia dengan selamat. Terima Kasih banyak atas bantuannya. Kami puas hati dengan tournya. – Jeanne Margareth Dumais

Package : Discover Turkey Muslim Tour 10D7N

  1. Assalamualaikum… nana… tqvm… from msia… turkey… msia… – Mrs Salmah
  2.  As salam nana dan  semua ahli rombongan ke Turkey. tkasih kpd semua yang membuatkan percutian kami menyeronokkan. dan kalau ada salah silap terlajak kata dan perbuatan yg tak disengajakan harap maafkan kami berdua – Dato Zainal dan Datin Noor Izzah
  3.  As Salam Dato, Datin, Tuan n pn ruby, cik Raja n farris, pn salmah, hj wahid n siti, cikgu aaishah n family, faez n nana too for the wonderfully accomponies, tq to go with me, i really enjoy the trip hope we can get together for another trip next year, in shaa allah. sorry what ever i have done or said, pls forgive me n halalkan for everything. – Datin Umi Kathom.
  4. Assalamualaikum… nana… aunty n auncle ucapkan terima kasih… x jumpa nana td… tkasih jga kita org semasa di Turki sengingga ke msia.. tqsm – Mrs Ruby


Package : 4D3N Krabi Honeymoon
Krabi trip was awesome. I would like to thank all of you for the great package. i’m really satisfied and enjoyed my honeymoon. i’m happy with the Princeville hotel (good service and strategic location). I just want to comment on one thing, which is the tour guide. we find it difficult to communicate with them. I think only 1 of them can speak English fluently. I guess you guys should look into this.
I will get back to you in the future, if I want to go for vacation again. hope you can serve us the best you can. – Mr Yogadevan Murkan

Package : 3D2N Singapore and Johor Bahru (February 2016)

Saya mewakili majlis perbandaran sepang mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas layanan dan servis yang diberikan.

Diharap kita dapat berjumpa lagi untuk next projek.- Hidayah, Jurukur bahan bahagian pengurusan perolehan